Now a days, we see rapid changes in software development life cycle this to decrease the time gap between the kick off and the release for the projects.
This make the developers introduce the newest smart development model namely Agile that set the other software development models aside like Waterfall model as it have a lot of constrains that lost a lot of time during the project cycle and phases.
In this article we’ll introduce the difference between the traditional model “Waterfall” and the modern one “Agile” to understand the benefits and the modern one.
Traditional Localization Life Cycle “Waterfall Model”
If we asked about the activities essential for successful development cycle, it will be as the following:
– Requirements Specification
– Architectural, Component and detailed Designs
– Implementation
– Unit, Integration and acceptance Testing
– Installation and Maintenance
In Waterfall model the activates performed in sequence, result of one flow into the next. We can said the model is simple but unworkable as the fundamental flaw assumption that each stage “Activates” must be completed before the next one occurs.
Below chart clarify the mechanism of Waterfall model and how we need to complete each stage separately before go to the next stage.
Now, if we think in this model we’ll find it doesn’t fit with today’s business for these reasons:
– The activates performed in sequence
– Once the project is in Testing stage, there is no way to go back and change something that was done in the Requirement stage for example.
– Cannot fit with Object Oriented Projects.
– Poor model for ongoing and long projects.
– Not doable for the risky projects that need Risk Management Plan.
Actually, the Waterfall model reached the 57 years mark. Conceived and refined in the age of slow business change, with inexpensive analysts and costly hardware. Today, the world of revolutionary business change doesn’t really allow the time and manpower for this model.
Modern Localization Life Cycle “Agile Model”
With Agile Model, we can see that the projects split into a series of small projects named “Sprints” . these sprints are designed to show verifiable progress. At the end of each sprint the output should be a measurable and testable that can be evaluated.
Agile Model always use techniques to track and monitoring the progress of the project, this to allow the project managers to update their plans according to the feedbacks and the results of each sprint.
If we look closely to Agile model with Localization cycle, we’ll find it depended on fast turnaround, as the translatable files need to be merged with the Project build to complete the process of testing and start releasing project versioning.
Below chart clarify the mechanism of Agile model in one sprint:
To Achieve the fast turnaround process with optimal Agile localization, I believe we need some main criteria that help a lot during Localization, here are the main points that need to be available in localization industry that work with Agile model:
– Automation
With Agile model, we cannot afford to send translation requests by traditional way through e-mails or on via packages that send to SLVs to translate then merge it again to the build.
All translation work orders “Hand-offs” should be automated and managed through a centralized location.
– Online Translation System
We can gain a lot of benefits with Online Localization Platform that build in CMS as this will facilitate the work to localization project managers and achieve the following:
• Tracking of all present and past translation projects
• Scheduling of work and checking the status of translation progress
• Complete reports that analyze the translation history
– Recycling
By supporting Recycling using legacy approved strings, Translators will not need to translate every sentences from scratch.
The Recycling can be allowed in Agile Localization Model by using Online Translation Engine, this can help translators to use the previous translation and speed up the translation process.
– Terminology online Repository
By having the Approved terms that can suggested automatically to the translator during their work, this will make the process of translation faster than before as the translators don’t need to search about the approved terms anymore.
Benefits of using Agile model on Localization
– Rapid and Continuous Delivery: As Agile model have a Continuous Localization platform “CLP”, The translation will take place daily and delivered as soon as possible to the development team to integrate it with the i18n project.
– Faster Launch: The localized software can be launched to the new market faster as its not being localized in on big cycle, but into small sprints that can released in a small period to the market.
– Increase Quality: The translators now have all resources that they need during translation in one place, from legacy approved strings that found in the TM till Approved terminology. This help translators a lot to achieve a high score of localization quality.